What does it mean to join the embodied practice of choreography with the systemic consciousness of the social?A scholar of performance and social practice, Shannon Jackson delivers a keynote lecture in response to our Field of Inquiry, thinking about the many associations attached to the words “Social” and “Movement”. Recalling Progressive Era social movements—including those led by Jane Addams and Emma Goldman—next to the new movements of the twenty-first century, Jackson considers how artists turn the domains of support, system, and service into potent artistic work. Along the way, she asks what the domain of choreography has to say to the contemporary art discourse of social practice. Drawing from her past scholarship—published in her books Public Servants (2016), Social Works (2011), and Lines of Activity (2000)—she shares new reflections using the work of artists such as Joanna Haigood, Marisa Jahn, Yve Laris Cohen, and Adam Linder as points of departure.
Shannon Jackson: Choreographing Infrastructure

Presented in collaboration with Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA).
Thursday 8 November 2018, 19.30–21.30hr
P.C. Hoofthuis (Zaal 1.04)
University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 134
1012 VB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Shannon Jackson: Choreographing Infrastructure